Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving.  I love this time of year!  It is a time of getting together with family and friends and enjoying another year of being able to enjoy each other's company.  This year my family did something different.  One of my daughters and her husband and my grand daughters went out of town to visit her husband's family.  My other daughter and her husband and my grand sons and grand daughter came to stay a few days and we decided NOT to cook.  Going to Golden Corral was where we went and I liked that indeed!  I did not have to spend all my time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning!  Wonderful!  The place was very busy but we did not have to wait at all and the service was very good.  The kids were well behaved and everyone got exactly what they wanted.

This may be a re-do.  I like just relaxing and letting someone else do the cooking and cleaning for a change.  Ahhhhhhh!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Bucket list before I reach 60

I had a hard time thinking about this blog. There are a lot of things I love to do and a lot of things I want to do before I am either too old to want to or care to. At age 56, I realize I need to get cracking on what I really want to do. I want to travel! When I look back at my life, I also realize that I have not been very many places. That in itself is not a bad thing but it has limits. My dream travel experience is to go to Scotland and visit the land of my Porterfield ancestors in Glasgow. I understand from a cousin of mine that we have relatives still there and would love to meet them. This is an exciting prospect for me and I believe that I have excited my 2 oldest grand children into going as well. "We have to start a travel fund." I have said to them. "That is the only way we will get there." So, at Wal-Mart yesterday while standing in line to check out at the garden center, there stood a 2 feet tall, plastic Coke bottle bank. No price, just a barcode on the bottom. I said, "That would be an excellent bank to start our travel funds." Both agreed and they searched the bottle over trying to find a price. Then, Ava, the oldest spies a price scanner by the door and I suggested they go scan it. Well, Adrianna, the youngest, was very sure she knew how. I watched the process while I kept our place in line, just observing, and it was then I knew that I to make sure this travel thing happens for, not only me, but for my whole family. They were excited just to get a container that they could begin this journey! Wow! My excitement and suggestion was a catalyst to get their thoughts and interest in the genealogy of our family! I have to do this. This is what I want. Oh, and by the way, I will go back and get the bottle.
All for now.