Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Bucket list before I reach 60

I had a hard time thinking about this blog. There are a lot of things I love to do and a lot of things I want to do before I am either too old to want to or care to. At age 56, I realize I need to get cracking on what I really want to do. I want to travel! When I look back at my life, I also realize that I have not been very many places. That in itself is not a bad thing but it has limits. My dream travel experience is to go to Scotland and visit the land of my Porterfield ancestors in Glasgow. I understand from a cousin of mine that we have relatives still there and would love to meet them. This is an exciting prospect for me and I believe that I have excited my 2 oldest grand children into going as well. "We have to start a travel fund." I have said to them. "That is the only way we will get there." So, at Wal-Mart yesterday while standing in line to check out at the garden center, there stood a 2 feet tall, plastic Coke bottle bank. No price, just a barcode on the bottom. I said, "That would be an excellent bank to start our travel funds." Both agreed and they searched the bottle over trying to find a price. Then, Ava, the oldest spies a price scanner by the door and I suggested they go scan it. Well, Adrianna, the youngest, was very sure she knew how. I watched the process while I kept our place in line, just observing, and it was then I knew that I to make sure this travel thing happens for, not only me, but for my whole family. They were excited just to get a container that they could begin this journey! Wow! My excitement and suggestion was a catalyst to get their thoughts and interest in the genealogy of our family! I have to do this. This is what I want. Oh, and by the way, I will go back and get the bottle.
All for now.

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